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Everything posted by BC_yorkie

  1. Results for this are as follows !st Misken 710x 2nd 4skinhoodie 600x 3rd Slutsmoker 500x Bigger $ win Results for this are as follows !st Misken 710x 2nd 4skinhoodie 600x 3rd Slutsmoker 500x Bigger $ win Results changed as slutsmokers date is the wrong day Results for this are as follows !st Misken 710x 2nd 4skinhoodie 600x 3rd DDDooobbboooi 500x
  2. Today we have a Keno single challenge going on we are looking for the highest multiplier rules are 1. Most post Screen shot and Bet I.D link 2. no min bet but must be a coin with value, No JG or GB 3. if tied for 1st or any other place the bigger win wins 4. kEEP ALL YOU WINS ON YOUR THREAD Prizes for top 3 places 1st 5$ 2nd 2.50$ 3rd 1.25$ IF YOU DONT POST SCREEN SHOT AND BET I.D LINK BET WILL BE INVALID BET MUST LOOK LIKE THIS https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10I2YTOOESTZPV
  3. the results are and followed rules with posting bet and bet id. 1st O-0 100k x 2nd ALESANA777 99999x 3rd SURYA_PTC 41k x check you pms here
  5. today we have a limbo race Highest multi wins 2nd and 3rd receive a prize too 1st place 5$ 2nd 3$ 3rd 2$ Rules are MUST post screenshot on BET I.D Highest multi wins timed event NO BET I.D and screenshot and bet invalid
  6. winner 149x uno1989_suicide 2rd and 3rd drin27 + Kzettee both got 100.3x
  7. I will check for winner and runner up and will post results and contact winners
  8. Game rules follow Prizes for top 3 1st prize 3x shitlink worth 1.25$ each runner ups 2nd and 3rd 1 shitlink each worth 1.25$ must post screenshot and bet I.D If post more than 1 win, you must add to you 1st post keep bet together Any coin is OK ( JB, GB any coin ) Game is only open for 4hrs If 2 people tie for a place, the prize will be shared MUST POST BET I.D or invalid bet
  9. Now finished, just checking for winner and 2nd place 1st place yllaeR 2nd place taytots Congrats to you both, PM me on BC for your prizes Or post your user profile here
  10. Today we have a 4 hr Mines challenge Use any coin Highest Multi wins 03.75$ 2nd place wins 02.50$ NO old bets timed event
  11. Its my 1st challenge of this kind, and any feed back for future challenges is apricated, by going of todays results i will lower the base bet for the next challenge i will make, as no winners today i will redo the same challenge tomorrow with a lower base bet Its my 1st challenge of this kind, and any feed back for future challenges is apricated, by going of todays results i will lower the base bet for the next challenge i will make, as no winners today i will redo the same challenge tomorrow with a lower base bet . so for today i can say this is a failed 1st attempt, i will do it again tomorrow and make slight adjustments
  12. every post so far is wrong minimum bet amount is 0.01 $ , have your coin value set to $ not coin and bet is 1 cent or you entire is invalid
  13. not 1 posted so far as got the correct information BET AMOUNT DISPLAYED IN $ and minimum Bet of 0.01 cent
  14. This is going to be a new weekly challenge from me but different games each week. This week I will start with limbo 1k x, and the challenge is only open for 3 hours. Rules will be as follows Only make 1 post per person, Attach as many wins as you can to your post only 1k x wins the top 2 with the most amount of wins on there post wins a link or 2 you should only attach the winning bets only to your post min bet is 0.01 $ cent of any coin Image below are the 3 things i will be looking at as well as bet ID Any of the 3 things i am looking for are invalid your entire will be invalid for that bet (1) bet time, (2) bet amount displayed in $, (3) target result. 1st place will win 3 links worth 1.25$ each 2nd place will win 2 links worth 1.25$ each
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